Statutory Information on Governors

Governance arrangements 

Our LGB consists of 12 members. All appointments to the LGB are made by the Directors of the LDST-

The Local Governing Body consists of:-a) 2 parent governorsb) 2 staff governors (including the Headteacher)c) 4 co-opted governorsd) 4 foundation governors (including Incumbent of the named church)

The Headteacher, Executive Headteacher and Incumbent of the linked church are ex officio members of the LGB.

Our foundation governors, together with other governors, have a responsibility to preserve and develop the school’s religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England. 

Our close links with St George’s Parish Church are a crucial part of maintaining, delivering and developing our Christian ethos and identity and ensuring that the school’s Mission Statement, Christian Values and Aims are embedded in all aspects of school life.

Governing Body Diversity - As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We collect diversity information from our governors and depending on current data, can use this to:

  • target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
  • develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation
  • prioritise training and awareness in identified areas
  • address potential 'blind spots' through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks

However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable. The LDST, will publish in the near future, diversity information across the Trust schools. This will be available on their website.

A Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually by the LGB and formally approved by the LDST. The Chair for 2023-24 is Mr Neil Lockwood and Mrs M Rowlands is the Vice Chair.

The Clerk to the Governors, Mr Terry Brown, is employed through a Service Level Agreement with the Local Authority. The Clerk works closely with the Executive Headteacher and Chair, arranges the agendas for the meetings, takes and distributes minutes and advises on procedural matters.


 The following documents are available on request from the school office:

  • the agenda for the meeting of the governing body including committees
  • the approved minutes of each meeting
  • reports, documents or other paper considered at each meetin

The school may exclude from any item material relating to:

  • a named member of staff or proposed member of staff
  • a named pupil/student or candidate for admission or referral to it
  •  any matter which, by reason of its nature, the governors are satisfied should remain confidential

Governing Body Structure as of March 2024


Category of Governor

Appointed By

Term of Office

Roles & Committees

Declaration of Interest

Mr Neil John Lockwood


Governing Body

03/10/20 - 02/10/24

4 Years

Chair of Governors

Director of LDST

Vice Chair of LDST

Co-opted Governor Highfield St Matthews

Ex Officio member of all committees


Resources Link


Mrs Sally Aspinwall

Executive Headteacher



Governing Body

Ex Officio member


Pay Committee

Employee of the school and LDST

Executive Headteacher of Bishop Martin

Ofsted Inspector

Mrs Irene Linda Sutter


Diocese / St George's PCC

01/09/23 - 31/08/27

4 Years

Christian Distinctiveness

Rights respecting Schools Link Governor

EYFS Link Governor


Mr Derek Hesketh




Diocese / St George's PCC

21/11/22 - 20/11/26

4 Years



Rev. Adam Maynard


Diocese / St George's PCC


Christian Distinctiveness

RE and Collective Worship Link Governor

Vicar of St George's

Mrs Danielle Azanuwha



Diocese / St George's PCC


Christian Distinctiveness

Safeguarding Governor

SEND Link Governor


Mrs Ann Nicola Charters


Staff Governor

Governing Body

Ex Officio member

Pay Committee (Advisor)


Christian Distinctiveness

Employee of the school

Mrs Kelly Johnston


Governing Body

13/03/23 - 12/03/27

4 Years


Employee of North Liverpool Academy

Mrs Margaret Rowlands


Governing Body

12/01/22 - 11/01/26

4 Years

Vice Chair of Governors

Pay Commitee (Chair)

Discipline Committee 

Admissions (Chair)


Health and Safety Governor

Pupil Premium Governor, LAC and PLAC

Sports Premium & PE 


Mr Vinny Gilligan


Parent Election

01/09/22 -  31/08/26

4 Years

Attendance Link Governor


Ruth Roberts


Parent election

23 Nov 2023 to 2 Nov 2027



Mrs Jacqueline Donoghue


Staff Election

30/11/21 -  29/11/25

4 Years


Employee of the school







Information on Governors 2022-2023 

A quorum of Admission Governors met on 8 occasions to discuss individual in-year applications in line with policy timescales.





Business and Pecuniary Interests

Full Board



Admissions  Pay  Christian Distinctiveness

HT Performance Management

Number of meetings    




5 2 1 TBC 2
Mr Neil John Lockwood Co-opted Director of LDST and Governor of Highfield St Matthews 5/5 4/5 2/2 1/1   2/2
Mrs Sally Aspinwall Headteacher

Trust Education Director

Executive Headteacher of the school

Executive Headteacher of Bishop Martin CE and St Michael's CE High School

OFSTED Inspector


Mr Derek Hesketh

Appointed 21 November 22


None declared

Rev Adam Maynard


None declared 4/5   1/2      
Mrs Irene Linda Sutter Foundation None declared 3/5          
Mrs Ann Nicola Charters Co-opted Employee of the school - Headteacher 5/5 5/5 2/2 1/1   2/2

Mrs Kelly Johnston

Appointed13 March 2023

 Co-opted Employee of North Liverpool Academy 2/3          

Mr John Morrin

RESIGNED 27 June 2023


Employee Of St Michael's Academy, Crosby 2/4          

Ms Suzanne Romano 

RESIGNED 13 March 2023 

Co-opted OFSTED Employee 1/3     1/1    
Mrs Margaret Rowlands Co-opted None declared 5/5 5/5 2/2 1/1   2/2
Mrs Danielle Azanuwha  Parent None declared 4/5          

Mr Vinny Gilligan

Appointed 1/09/23

Parent None declared 3/4          

Mrs Anna Knowles

RESIGNED 6 March 2023 



None declared 1/3          
Mrs Jacqueline Donoghue Staff Employee of the school 5/5          

Mrs Sarah Michelle Robinson

Stepped down Sept 2023

Associate   Governor Waterloo Primary School   4/5        

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