
Statutory Policies 

Please click here for a link to the LDST policies page

If you would like a paper copy of any policy, please contact the school office and we will get it to you as soon as possible. There will be no charge for this information.

Please click on the relevant school policy:

Admissions Arrangements and Policy 2023 -2024

Admissions Arrangements and Policy 2024 -2025

Anti-Bullying Policy 2023

The Beacon CE Attendance and Punctuality Policy September 23  and LDST Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Beacon Behaviour Policy Booklet 2023-2024.pdf

Charging & Remissions Policy 2024-2025

Child Protection Policy 2023

Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Sept 23

Compliments and Complaints Policy  - LDST Policy 2023-2024

Data Protection Policy - LDST Policy

Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme - LDST Policy

First Aid Policy March 2024 -LDST

Health and Safety Policy - LDST Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Mentally Healthy School Policy

Pupils Privacy Notice, Parents Privacy Notice

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Safer Recruitment and Procedures Policy - LDST Policy 2023 - 2024

Supporting children and young people with Medical Conditions in school

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy - LDST - September 2023 -  September 2025

SEND Policy Sept 2023

Whistleblowing Policy - LDST Policy Sept 2023 - October 2025

For other school policies please see below.

Files to Download

Student Login