
The Beacon Reading Spine

The Beacon Reading Spine is a core of books that create a living library inside a child’s mind. It is a store of classics and essential reads that help children engage at a deeper level and enter the world of the story. Great stories build our language because around 75% of vocabulary comes from reading. Our common bank of stories aim to inspire and enthuse children to develop their imagination and equip them with language.


Home Reading Books

Children from Year 2 to Year 6 read books linked to the Accelerated Reader programme as their home reader. Each book has been carefully selected for individual understanding of reading comprehension. This is based on an initial reading assessment  that children complete at the beginning of each term, via the Accelerated Reader website (Star Reading assessment). The children also complete quizzes after each book to check their understanding and fluency. 

Children in Reception and Year 1 take home as their home reading books, a phonics book linked to their reading level and sound knowledge. These books are changed weekly. 

Children in Nursery take home a reading book from their class reading area to enjoy sharing with adults at home. 

Reading Peaks Challenge 

In order to motivate children to read at home, we have a 'Reading Peaks Challenge' reward scheme. 

Every 4 weeks of reading 5 nights out of 7, children will have reached the top of the highest mountain peak in a continent and will be able to move to the next continent in the route, reading their way up the next highest mountain peak and moving through the continents of their ‘Reading Peaks Challenge’.

Children who have achieved each sticker in the continents, will then progress onto the further challenge of reading their way through the highest mountain peaks in the UK, in order to achieve our Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum rewards, receiving additional prizes such as personalised bookmarks and book tokens. Find below the different mountain peaks throughout the reading peaks challenge route.



Reader of the week 

To celebrate children’s reading at home and to recognise their achievements and engagement, we have a weekly ‘Reader of the Week' Certificate. 

Book Recommendations, Online Stories and Reading Activities to enjoy at home

Enjoy storytime with online stories, book recommendations and reading activities for readers of all ages by visiting the links below.

Fun and learning with Harper Collins Books 

Oxford Owl Books


World of David Walliams

Oliver Jeffers a book a day

10 top tips for parents to support children to read 



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