Attendance News wb 24th Febuary 2025
Religious Education

RE at The Beacon
At Beacon CE Primary School, Religious Education (RE) holds a central place in our curriculum, supporting our school’s values and the beliefs of the church through both teaching and collective worship. Our weekly RE lessons aim for children to both learn about different religions and reflect on what they can learn from these beliefs.
We emphasise inclusivity, teaching tolerance, celebrating differences, and creating a community of respect, nurture, and support. Through open discussions, pupils explore the impact of religion on themselves, their community, and the wider world.
Our strong connection with St George's Church enriches the RE curriculum, with regular visits and special events held at the church, including Ethos afternoons and Christian festival services. Children also visit other places of worship, such as synagogues and mosques, to gain a broader understanding of different faiths.
Each year, pupils participate in memorable RE experiences, including trips to the cathedral, fostering a deeper appreciation of faith diversity. Weekly church visits further reinforce our Christian ethos and values.

You can find all current Knowledge Organisers as PDFs on each class page.
Useful links:
This is the national Church of England Education Webpage. There is lots of information here for schools about Education and the National Society.
Stories for children who will love to watch again and again.