Y6 - T 2024 - 2025

Miss Trouton

Welcome to the Year 6T Page! 


The Year 6T class teacher is Miss Trouton, with Mr Gomersall, Mrs Shepherd and Mr Blundell teaching PE, French and Geography.

PE and Swimming

During the Year 6 school week, 6T will have PE on a Monday. Please ensure all PE kits are in on Monday.

Your child will also need their own labelled water bottle in school each day.


Homework is given out on Fridays and is due in on the following Tuesday. Homework will include activities to secure learning from the week and will be based around English and maths, as well as short multiple-choice quizzes based on their knowledge organiser. 


Reading is a very important aspect of learning. Please send reading bags into school every day along with the reading book which has been sent home. Children will have a reading book and a book from the accelerated reader scheme, children should read these to become as familiar with them as possible, discussing new words and developing their understanding of the story. 

To achieve a sticker in your reading record and work towards completing your reading rainbow, remember to read 5 nights out of every 7.

If you have any questions about any aspect of your child’s learning, please don’t hesitate to ask me at the end of the school day.

Thank you.

Miss Trouton

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