Admission for other year groups and in-year admissions

If you are:

  • moving into Liverpool from another Local Authority,
  • new to the city or country

 and want a place at our school, you need to contact Liverpool LA, please click here for details on how to apply.

 Applications for admissions from another Liverpool school are made directly to the school. Applications can be made at any time during the year. In Year Admissions means - any application for a place in any year group (including reception) in our school received during the academic year, commencing in September 2024.

Please click here to complete an online application form for our school.


Click here to download an application form for our school


a paper copy is available from school

Each application will be reviewed by the Governors Admissions Committee. Parents will be informed in writing of the decision within 15 school days after the school has received the application form. If a place is refused parents will be infomed of the reason and be given details of their right of appeal.

If you have any questions regarding admissions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

[email protected]


Please click here to read the Admission’s Policy for September 2024 - 2025


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