
Our computing curriculum at the Beacon aims to provide equality of opportunity to all pupils, enabling them to develop their natural enthusiasm for and experience of computers in a way that enables them to be happy, safe and effective users of technology.  Alongside technical learning, social, moral and cultural elements are considered, it aims to empower pupils, enable them to build resilience and develop positive behaviours for the future.

Our computing curriculum builds through key elements of computer science, information technology and digital literacy with the aim of putting children in control of the devices they use, enabling them to be active users of technology rather than passive consumers. These are introduced throughout the child’s school experience and revisited in successive years in a process which consolidates and deepens understanding.

Key concepts and skills are introduced with the specific vocabulary required to communicate in a wider world, and sequenced to build on existing knowledge.

The core of our teaching is the Use, Modify, Create cycle. We adapt the NCCE Teach Computing curriculum to ensure coverage. Pupils experience real world apps and devices and explore them, before learning how they can use these to empower themselves. We expect all pupils to experience coding in different environments and languages, physical computing (controlling hardware devices), using devices for creative activities and have a good understanding of how computers are used in the real world for data handling, mathematics, creativity, manufacturing and other work.

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We recognise that many, but not all, children come with pre-existing experience and knowledge of technology and aim to provide them with tools to develop that knowledge through a clear progression, as well as delivering opportunities to those who may not have access to technology outside of a school setting. The curriculum encourages all pupils to see computers, electronic devices and apps as connected and empowering; not isolated devices or merely entertainment.

It is the intention to encourage children to question the technology that they use, understand how it is implemented and how they can create, change, control and refine the programs and devices they encounter. We offer a regular Code Club for KS2 pupils and aim to offer regular enrichment activities to all pupils.

Robotics Tournament

Twitter/X #beaconlovescomputing

The Beacon Primary School has been recognised for delivering high-quality computing education to young people, developing their digital skills and preparing them for the future.

The Beacon has achieved the national Computing Quality Mark after evaluating its computing education and demonstrating high-quality provision. The Computing Quality Mark is awarded by the National Centre for Computing Education and recognises excellence of computing education offered by a school as part of their curriculum development through the Computing Quality Framework (CQF).

We were awarded the NCCE Computing Quality Mark for the quality of our computing curriculum.

To achieve the award The Beacon completed all seven aspects of the CQF in order to receive the Computing Quality Mark, which recognises achievement in:

  • Leadership and Vision
  • Curriculum and Qualifications
  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment
  • Staff Development
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and SEND
  • Careers Education
  • Impact on Outcomes


We offer free e-safety training for all parents through National Online Safety - to sign up click HERE and select parent/carer when prompted. Sample resources are also included in the files section of this page.


Useful Computing & e-safety Links

Be Internet Legends with Google

This link has interactive games, quizzes and more to help all the family understand how to safe online


Internet Safety for Parents

This link has lots of information to help parents understand about protecting their children whilst they use the Internet.



When searching the Internet use a child friendly search engine.


Do you know the SMART rules?

To keep our school e-safe, all children need to know the SMART rules!


Useful Links for E-safety


Be Internet Legends -

Think U Know -



Facebook -

Kidsmart -

Childnet - www.childnet.con/resources/esafety-and-computing



Files to Download

Student Login