Welcome to our website
If you would like to contact our school please see the contact details below:
Beacon CE Primary
Heyworth Street
L5 3QG
Telephone: 0151 263 4206
Afterschool Club: 07523 671064
Email: [email protected]
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Sally Aspinwall
Headteacher: Mrs Ann Charters
Chair of Governors: Mr Neil Lockwood
SEND/Inclusion Contact: Miss K Mooney SEN Email: [email protected]
If you would like to contact a member of the Senior Leadership Team, The Chair of Governors or have a general equiry please email [email protected] and we will ensure your message is passed on to the relevant person. Please put in the subject line of the e-mail the person to whom the e-mail should be forwarded e.g. FAO Chair of Governors
Request for Paper Copies
Should you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please phone or call into the school office where we will take details of your request and provide copies as soon as possible. There will be no charge for this information. If you require any of our policies or documents translating please ask the school office and we will arrange a copy to be done for you.
The Beacon CE Primary School is part of the Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust (LDST) their contact details are below:
Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust
St James House,
20 St James Road,
L1 7BY
Telephone: 0151 705 2190
E-mail: [email protected]
Registered Number: Company number 09235635
ICO Data Controller Registration Number: ZA280871
Data Protection Officer: Mrs Alison Tennant [email protected]
Who's Who (LDST Central Team):