Y4 - M 2024 - 2025

Mr Malkin

This year your class teacher is Mr Malkin. You will also have Mr Gommersall teaching PE, Mrs Nelson teaching Art, Mrs Shepherd teaching French and Mrs Charters teaching RE. We have lots of exciting learning opportunities planned this year and are looking forward to welcoming you back into the classroom and into Year 4!


Year 4M's PE day is on Wednesday. Your child should come to school dressed in their Beacon PE kit. All children should have a labelled water bottle every day. 


Homework books with a retrieval task relating to a recent learning topic will be given to your child each Friday and should be completed and handed in by Tuesday. If homework has not been set in the homework book, please check SeeSaw for any alternative tasks that may have been assigned. Remember, children are awarded 3 dojos for each completed homework!


Maths homework will be set via MyMaths. https://www.mymaths.co.uk/

Spelling homework will be set via Spelling Shed. https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login/school 

Timestable practice: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/18591 

SeeSaw: https://app.seesaw.me/#/student/login 

Logins will be put into reading records once children have settled into school. If any logins are lost, please ask your child to inform Mr Malkin and they can be replaced as soon as possible. 


Reading is a very important aspect to learning throughout school. We encourage reading every night to support your child's learning. When your child reads, record and sign this in their reading records. Please send reading bags into school every day so we can ensure your child can change books when required. Reading records will be checked every Fridaywith reading stickers being given to children who read at least 5 nights a week for ten minutes. We are very excited to begin our new Reading Peaks Challenge this year, where children will venture across the world's highest mountains as they achieve their weekly reading stickers. As with our previous Reading Rainbow, children will receive rewards after a certain number of weeks of reading. The new template will be found inside your child's reading records and we hope this challenge makes home reading even more exciting! 


Pupils are invited to complete Accelerated Reader quizzes after each book they have read. These will be completed independently as soon as your child arrives to class. Pupils can then choose a new book from our class library, school library or our reading spine. You can also find e-books for free from the Liverpool Library website. 

Your support with reading is greatly appreciated! 

Please ensure your child's uniform and PE kit is labelled to prevent any items being lost. 

If you have any questions I am available at the end of the school day. Please find this term's Knowledge Organisers and long term plan below. These can be used to supplement learning at home and to give you an idea of all the fantastic things we will be learning over the next several weeks. 


I look forward to working with you this year!

Mr Malkin

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