School Uniform

The Beacon CE Primary School

Uniform Policy

2/3 Nursery to Year 6

All our pupils look smart by wearing our school uniform. By wearing the uniform, the children have a sense of pride and belonging, as well as it being practical. 

At the Beacon, we believe that uniform has no gender. We ask that children wear our uniform with pride and choose the item of clothing which makes them most comfortable. 

 Winter Uniform 

Early Years Foundation Stage (2-3 Nursery, 3-4 Nursery and Reception)

  • White or gold sleeve polo shirt 
  • Grey/black trousers, grey/black skirt or pinafore or grey tracksuit bottoms 
  • Purple jumper, sweatshirt, or cardigan with a school logo
  • Grey, black, or white socks or dark grey, black, or white plain tights
  • Sensible, flat black shoes (no boots or mules) 
  • Purple waterproof jacket (optional)
  • Wellington boots

Years 1 - 6 

  • White or gold sleeve polo shirt 
  • Grey/black trousers, grey/black skirt, or pinafore 
  • Purple jumper, sweatshirt, or cardigan with a school logo
  • Grey, black, or white socks or dark grey, black or white plain tights
  • Sensible, flat black shoes (no boots or mules) 
  • Purple waterproof jacket (optional)

Summer Uniform 

Early Years Foundation Stage (2-3 Nursery, 3-4 Nursery and Reception)

  • Gold/white or lilac/white check summer dress
  • Grey/black trousers, grey/black skirt or pinafore, grey/black shorts 
  • White or gold sleeve polo shirt 
  • Grey, black, or white socks
  • Sensible black shoes or white sandals (no jellie shoes please)
  • School Sun Cap

Years 1 - 6 

  • Gold/white or lilac/white check summer dress
  • Grey/black trousers, grey/black skirt or pinafore, grey/black shorts 
  • White or gold sleeve polo shirt 
  • Grey, black, or white socks
  • Sensible black shoes or white sandals (no jellie shoes please)
  • School Sun Cap

Children are not allowed to wear caps, hats, or headscarves inside school.

School uniform including reading bags and PE bags can be purchased from The Uniform Factory via this link: Purchase uniform

You will have the option to collect uniform direct from The Uniform Factory or have it delivered to school. All payments for uniform will be taken on-line.

Other non-branded items such as shirts, trousers, skirts etc can also be bought more widely from other ‘high-street’ retailers.

PE Kit for Reception to Y6

We want children to wear kit that has been designed for sport and we have a tracksuit which is part of the school kit so that children can have PE outside in Autumn Term as much as possible.

The school PE kit can be purchased via this link: Purchase PE kit  

Our school PE kit is a badged Beacon PE purple Nike T-shirt and plain black shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms with black pumps or trainers. Trainers can be worn for outside PE lessons.

There is an optional black badged Nike tracksuit top that can also be bought.

As an alternative to the Nike range a Beacon branded purple t-shirt and black hooded sweatshirts can be purchased from The Uniform Factory via this link: Purchase uniform

We also allow a plain white or purple t-shirt and plain black tracksuit bottoms to be worn for PE.

All items of clothing must be clearly labelled with the child’s name please.

On PE days children will be asked to wear their full PE to avoid having to change in class.


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Sensible black shoes are advised. Trainers are permitted so long as they are all black with no visible logo.

Jewellery/Make Up/Nail Varnish/Headwear

Children are not allowed to wear any jewellery except for watches and plain stud earrings for health and safety reasons. If a child wears stud earrings parents must sign a disclaimer form which can be obtained on this link: Jewellery Permission Form

Children are also not allowed to wear any nail varnish or make up. Children are not allowed to wear caps, hats, or headscarves inside school.

Limiting the Cost of Uniform

Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform.

We understand that items with distinctive characteristics (such as branded items, or items that have a school logo or a unique fabric/colour/design) cannot be purchased from a wide range of retailers and that requiring many such items limits parents’ ability to ‘shop around’ for a low price.

We will therefore make sure our uniform:

  • Is available at a reasonable cost
  • Provides the best value for money for parents/carers
  • School branded items are limited

Other non-branded items such as shirts, blouses, trousers, skirts etc can also be bought more widely from other ‘high-street’ retailers.

Second Hand Uniform

We work alongside St George’s Food Pantry to enable parents to purchase good condition second hand uniform.

Parents will be notified of this via the email or school newsletter.


For any complaints about our School Uniform Policy please follow the school’s Compliments and Complaints Policy which can be found on the school website.

Review date:               March 2024

To be reviewed:          March 2027


Jewellery Permission Form



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